Monday, March 26, 2012

Restocking the scrap cupboards...

Two years ago when i honestly felt I would never have the urge to create anything again I sold all of my scrapbooking supplies. And believe me there was TONNES, I have made a decision to buy only what I absolutely need and intend to use, but I am sure that that decision won't last long, lol.

It makes me sad to think I gave up something I so loved and enjoyed, but I really lost all desire for scrapbooking and now that I have a newfound sense of creativity and desire to get back into it, I just can't wait. I am working on the Scrapbook and Cards Today summer call right now and hoping they love my first creations in years. :)


tina werner said...

So happy to have you back!!! I've missed you!!

Short Stack Foodie said...

KIMMIE!!!!! October - git yerself to Brantford! It's been ages since we've seen you!!!!! Apparently you've had a bebe :) congrats! Jackie ( & Janette )