Saturday, January 31, 2009

Okay they have posted it on their BLOG so I guess it's okay to share now!!! I MADE THE PIGGY TALES and 3M Joint DESIGN TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can you tell how excited I am, me on a Manufacturer DT, my dream has come true!!!!!

Here are the amazing ladies I will be creating with this year, congrats everyone!! Can't wait to get started!

Charity Hassel
Elizabeth Carney
Kim Collee
Melanie Douthit
Heidi Sonboul
Ruth Clarke

Linda Harrison
Paula Gilarde
Mou Saha
Jennifer Armentrout

Leah LaMontagne


Jennifer said...

Woohooo! Congrats that is great news! YOur gonna be scrappin' up a storm

carolyn peeler said...

congrats Kim!!!

Miss you and your's been too long since we've visited together.

Hope all is well for the Shea bunch :)

tina werner said...

so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
two teams! that's awesome!!!!!

The Sonboul's said...

Your blog is so bright and colorful. Congrats on the piggy Tales. I can't wait to work with you ;) WOOHOO GO TEAM!

lacintha said...

Yeah Kim...whoot whoot!:)

Elizabeth said...

Way to go Kim!!! Cannot wait to get to know you better and be able to work with you as well!!!

Jennifer said...

Congrats. Looking forward to getting to know all my new teammates better!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, glad to see you part of the Piggy Tales team, look forward to working alongside you and getting to know you better. - ruthy x