Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Out of over 1000....

pictures my baby Victoria was chosen as a winner in the best eyes category on Facebook, in the group ~Facebooks photogenic Kiddos contest~ I'm so proud as I took this photo myself and the competition was fierce, here is the posting :)

congrats also to my friend Patti whose daughter Brianna was crowned a Queen! WTG Patticakes


Tara said...

Awesome Kimmie, she does have beautiful eyes!! Do you have a link to the contest!

tina werner said...


Holly A said...

Congrats! What a treat! She has beautiful eyes, so it is well deserved.

Janice V said...


She does have beautiful eyes!!!

Teresa (aka tmom) said...

Congrats Kimmie! Those eyes are gorgeous!

Heather said...

WOW you gals rocked that place. I just never got organized to enter. Congrats. I love that photo of Vic.

Lita said...

way to go!!! Now that is a title every little girl can be proud of!!!!