Tuesday, October 03, 2006

How can it

already be October? This year has truly flown by. I started my Christmas shopping yesterday, Walmart has some gret deals on stuff for their anniversary sale!!! I'm trying to get my neice a TMX Elmo for Xmas, good luck with that Auntie Kim, LOL. I can't believe the price of them on EBAY, WOW it's crazy what people will pay for one toy and in a year or 2 they will be all over Value Villiage and garage sales just like the ones ten years ago.

I'm very excited about the scrapbooking forum that my dear friend Patti set up it has a great forum and a storefront, which i had the pleasure of choosing some merchandise for if your a scrapbooker be sure to check it out here!!!


Teresa (aka tmom) said...

Kimmie, I ordered a TMX from Sears (back ordered until Oct 18), you might want to try them. Makes you wonder why they would only send a limited amount to stores (our WM only got 30 of them in).

JewelsC said...

I know!! I can't believe how fast time flies, it is crazy!!

Thanks for letting me know about the new MB!! I just signed up ;) :D

Anonymous said...

I know its nuts. I can not believe how fast the year is going by.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love Elmo! He rocks!
Thanks for your nice comments! We appreciate your support!!!!

Amy said...

you are a superstar to have started Christmas shopping already! I should learn from you and get going!! Loving the nooks board!! woohoo!!!